Getting Started


Before you get started with this recipe, we assume that you have:

  1. Installed Lando and gotten familiar with its basics.
  2. Initialized a Landofile for your codebase for use with this recipe.
  3. Read about the various services, tooling, events and routing Lando offers.

Quick Start

Try out the relevant commands below to spin up a new Landoified vanilla Laravel site.

For the latest version of laravel 9

# Initialize a laravel recipe
lando init \
  --source cwd \
  --recipe laravel \
  --webroot app/public \
  --name my-first-laravel-app

# Install laravel
lando ssh -c "composer create-project laravel/laravel app"

# Start it up
lando start

# List information about this app.
lando info

Custom Installation

This plugin is included with Lando by default. That means if you have Lando version 3.0.8 or higher then this plugin is already installed!

However if you would like to manually install the plugin, update it to the bleeding edge or install a particular version then use the below. Note that this installation method requires Lando 3.5.0+.

lando plugin-add @lando/apache
# @NOTE: This doesn't actaully work yet
hyperdrive install @lando/apache
# Ensure you have a global plugins directory
mkdir -p ~/.lando/plugins

# Install plugin
# NOTE: Modify the "npm install @lando/laravel" line to install a particular version eg
# npm install @lando/laravel@0.5.2
docker run --rm -it -v ${HOME}/.lando/plugins:/plugins -w /tmp node:14-alpine sh -c \
  "npm init -y \
  && npm install @lando/laravel --production --flat --no-default-rc --no-lockfile --link-duplicates \
  && npm install --production --cwd /tmp/node_modules/@lando/laravel \
  && mkdir -p /plugins/@lando \
  && mv --force /tmp/node_modules/@lando/laravel /plugins/@lando/laravel"

# Rebuild the plugin cache
lando --clear

You should be able to verify the plugin is installed by running lando config --path plugins and checking for @lando/laravel. This command will also show you where the plugin is being loaded from.